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Introducing the Interschool Inclusivity Association

By Indonesia Omega ’21 and Cassidy Scott ’21

The ISIA logo (Photo Credit: The Interschool Inclusivity Association)

The Interschool Inclusivity Association (ISIA) is a collection of affinity and allyship groups based on race, gender, sexuality, and religion with the objective to ameliorate discussions about identity in the Interschool and to supply security that students of independent school communities need and have lacked in the past. Affinity groups are safe spaces to share and to support the experiences of marginalized members of Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs).

Some of these race-based affinity groups include spaces for Black/African-American, Latin X, Mixed Race, East Asian, Southeast Asian/Pacific Islander, South Asian, and Middle Eastern students; we encourage white allies to join us in conversations about anti-racism. Additionally, there are spaces to discuss LGBTQ+ issues and gender equalityLGBTQ+ people and allies are welcome.

For more information on the ISIA, go to, or follow us on Instagram at @isia.interschool.

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